Our View
Look beyond a static worker supply to sustain your workforce plan.
When a large, single pool of job seekers dissipates into various alternate paths, employers must adjust. A strategic TA partner can provide data-based intelligence to target the right talent and explore creative solutions to achieve workforce goals. This may involve flexible work arrangements, total talent strategies, adjusting job and skills requirements, or offering training to bridge any gaps.
Treat internal mobility as specialized recruitment.
The best talent for the job may already be in your organization. However, identifying that talent, selling them on the opportunity and obtaining buy-in from their managers and colleagues can be just as complex as external recruiting. A TA partner can provide the resources and objectivity needed to make internal mobility a reliable part of your hiring strategy.
Trust the contingent workforce supply as a fundamental talent source.
Many of our clients have successfully leveraged a flexible workforce to meet vital talent needs. The right approach often combines permanent and contingent talent, supported by precise strategies to achieve goals. Success is driven by deep TA expertise, our Sevayo® Insights data integration platform and a detailed understanding of the employer's business.